

Dr. Lynn SieffermanDr. Lynn Siefferman

My main research topics are 1) behavioral ecology of beautiful and easily studied eastern bluebirds and tree swallows, 2) evolutionary ecology of spotted salamanders, and 3) conservation of eastern hellbenders. But I encourage my research students to follow their passion and expertise and this leads to exciting new hypotheses and study organisms.

Emeritus Students

Below are emeritus MS students. To view current students, visit the Graduate Students page.

NameCurrent Position
Alexandria AlbersPhD Candidate, University of Montana
Nicole BarrisInstructor, Wingate University 
Alexandra BentzAssistant Professor, University of Oklahoma 
Edward BurressPost Doc, Yale University 
Kristen ContentQC Scientist, Catalent Pharma Solutions 
Thomas FranklineDNA Program Leader, US Forest Service, Montana 
Taylor FulkOutdoor Educator, Forest Wild LLC 
Morgan HarrisPrivate Lands Biologist, Defenders of Wildlife
Sarah HillBanding & Research Technician, Michigan Technological University
John A. JonesPhD Candidate, Tulane University
Desiree MoffittOnline Biology Instructor, Multiple Community Colleges
M. Worth PughCoordinator of Zoological Collections, University of Alabama
Cosmin SerbanARMA Insurance Verification Rep, Appalachian Regional Healthcare System
Monica WinebargerRegistered Nurse, Alabama